Thursday, January 31, 2013

Dance Off

If you couldn't have guessed by one of my first posts called Play Calling, I am a huge football fan and fanatical Ravens fan. So, you can imagine my excitement on Monday afternoon when Spiro announced that his school was holding a "Ray Lewis Dance" competition. I could barely contain my excitement the entire ride home as I grilled Spiro for the details. Who are the judges Spiro? What makes them qualified as judges? What kind of competition are we up against? Where is the competition being held?... You know, the normal questions you would ask a 7 year old.

Some people might refer to me as "competitive". I like to call those people "bitter" because I may have triumphed over them at a game or two. (Ahem, hubby?) In any case, I immediately called my hubby from the car without my earpiece because well, the excitement was just too much to handle and I am kind of a vigilante like that...

Me: Babe, Spiro's school is having a Ray Lewis Dance competition this Friday. Shit just got real.
Hubby: What? Huh?
Me: Oh, don't you worry. This thing is in the bag. We will own those other 2nd Graders.
Hubby: What? Huh?
Me: Just make sure the laptop is charged so I can YouTube the dance for the kids to study. K? Bye.

Unfortunately, our schedule this week did not allow for the maximum practice sessions I had hoped to have but tonight we had a marathon practice round until Spiro began telling me to "take it easy, Coach Harbaugh" and then I thought it best to wrap it up. In my defense, he kept talking about these "jazz hands" they had learned about in school for the dance and no matter how many times I told him that "jazz hands" and football just don't belong in the same sentence he wouldn't give up. We compromised... He got to keep his "jazz hands" as long as he called them "interception hands" or "ball stripping hands".  I think we have the concept down, but the rhythm... well that's a different story. They did allow me to video them a few times so without further ado, making their Ray Lewis Dance Debut... Spiro and Billy!

I apologize for the quality of the video but when your stuff has been in storage for 8 months, you have to work with what you have and all I have is my phone. I hope everyone has a fantastic Purple Superbowl Friday! Go Ravens!


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