After thinking it over for several months and watching my friend Liz from Naptime Decorator,
(if you haven't checked this blog out, it is AWESOME! ) I have decided to join the blogging world. Maybe I am crazy, maybe I am arrogant in thinking that anyone would really want to read MY blog but here I go...
I am a stay at home to two pretty fantastic boys, a disobedient dog and the wife of a restaurant owner. My husband works 6-7 days a week and is one of the hardest working people I know. I truly am very blessed to have a man that is willing to go the extra distance to take care of our family. With that being said, I am for the most part "on my own" as far as the day to day functions of our household. When I tell people that homework time, bath time, bedtime... is a solo operation in our house, they always have the same response - "you must be super mom". Well
almost, and I use the term
almost very loosely.
I wasn't always a stay at home mom. Although my husband and I were both willing to adjust our lifestyle after the birth of our first son, to make sure that he wouldn't be in daycare, I was fortunate enough to have a mother-in-law that was willing (or possibly begging) to be at home with him. So after a 3 month maternity leave, I went back to work part-time. It really was the perfect balance for our family at that time. I worked 3 days and had 4 days home with our little boy. Fast forward two years, my husband has sold our previous restaurant and decided to take 1 year off before starting his new venture (and his current restaurant) to spend some quality time with our son. I decided to go back to work full time since he was going to be home and found a job at a Real Estate Development Company as their Marketing Director. I won't deny that I shed a
few a lot of tears when the day came to go back into the work force full time, however, after getting adjusted I absolutely LOVED my new job. I loved the people, my bosses, my duties... and then about 1 week after starting my new job - I found out that I was pregnant
again. So what you do when you have just started a new job that you absolutely LOVE and haven't yet proved yourself and will be having a baby in 9 months...? You hide it! I was very similar to the actresses on TV shows who are pregnant but their characters are not supposed to be. I wore baggier blouses, I walked with books, plants, purses, anything that would cover my growing bump. And then when I was about 3 months along, I woke up one morning and realized that I just couldn't hide it any longer. I confessed to my boss that although I didn't know I was pregnant when I had accepted the job, I was indeed pregnant and just wanted a chance to prove myself. I have to say he took it extremely well and was genuinely supportive. ( I was, however, overlooked for Employee of the Month that month) I worked through my pregnancy, in fact, I worked up until 6 hrs before I delivered our second baby boy. I did go back to the job I loved after the birth of our second son but at this point my husband was in the middle of opening his next restaurant, my mother-in-law was struggling to take care of a 2 1/2 year old and a newborn and my need to be home with my family was ever growing. I do miss my job at times but I have to admit that I have never once regretted the choice to leave my career and stay at home with my boys. Don't get me wrong, there are days that I definitely stare at the clock counting down the minutes to bedtime, but their are the days that I feel truly blessed to be a part of every aspect of their lives. The most important thing that I have learned is that everyday ends and a new one begins... so on the days that I feel like I have failed, I know that day will end and the next one can be great and on the days I feel like "Super Mom", I know that day will end also and the next day might be a challenge.
I can't promise that by reading this blog I will give you all the answers but I can promise to give you some ideas that I have learned along the way and I can always promise that I will serve it up with a side of humor.
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